Sunday, November 2, 2008

Death by Texting

In the November issue of Cosmo Girl there was an page called "Death by Texting." As I was reading the points on the page it reminded me of our first week in electronic communications when we had to give up all uses of CMC. Texting was by far the hardest. It has become the most convenient and efficient way to let someone know something. I know I text constantly even in times when I should not for example when I am driving. That is a bad thing to admit to however I am sure many are guilty of this.

The page in Cosmo Girl said that the American College of Emergency Physicians are seeing a rise in injuries and deaths from texting while walking, biking, skating, and driving. There was also a short story on the page of an accident that happened. In July 2007, a 17-year old girl driving in New York state crashed her SUV into truck, killing herself and four friends. Records showed that her cell phone sent a text message minutes before the accident. This shows the terrible consequences of trying to multitask while texting.

Does this show signs of addiction? How is this problem managed? Handing the phone over to a friend to text and have them read responses will reduce risk. You could let the person or people you have been texting know that you are going to be driving and you will text them when you have arrived. Also if it is necessary for you to answer a text, pull over so you are not endangering yourself or others.

Some states have what is called DWT. Driving while texting is illegal in some states. I wonder if people agree with this or not. Even though I am a culprit of DWT, I do think this is a good law and should be illegal in all states. It's scary to think of the consequences that can come from doing something that most people feel is so natural in their everyday life.


Jackie Schab said...

This is really weird that you brought this up. This past summer I was in a fender bender because I was txting. there are a car ahead of me and we were stopped at a traffic light. Well, this car somewhere behind me beeped its horn. I thought that I was being beeped at because the light had turned green and I hadn't moved so I pushed onthe accelerator and hit the van. The sad thing and its kind of ironic is that I i was telling my friend I couldn't txt because I was driving... Don't txt and drive! its expensive.

Well thought out blog :D

Vange Marie said...

I think there should be a law in all states banning DWT! I am such the texter, I mean I can do it without looking and I am just terrified that one day it may not end up so pretty. We are all getting ridiculous with our addictions to CMC and if there was a law that helped to regulate it, there wouldn't be so many issues involving it.

jenn said...

Personally I believe that if there is a law that says that I have to wear a seatbelt, then there definitly should be a law that says people should not be allowed to use their cell phones at all. Even to call somebody. My boss wrecked her car last year into a sign because she was texting and after that she stopped texting while driving. After she stopped she noticed all the cars that she passed and just almost everybody had their cell phone out doing something with it. There should be a law that if you are on your phone at all, you get a fine.